208 pytań powtórzeniowych mgr Elżbieta Ponikwia

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Tu masz w miarę strawne tłumaczenie maszynowe na angielski:

1. Which problems have to master the handicapped ones? 2. How can one make the life easier for the handicapped ones? 3. Why should one help the handicapped ones? 4. How do you find the paralympicses - thus the handicapped ones - to Olympiads? 5. Which examples of the intolerance the handicapped one opposite are well-known you? 6. Which advantages have the cars? 7. Which disadvantages have the cars? 8. How could one, after, prevent your opinion back-up? 9. Why does it come to so many car accidents? 10. How could one reduce the number of the accidents? 11 why do we need vacation or holidays? 12. How can one spend the vacation or holidays? 13. There are localities, for which the tourism is particularly important. Why is like that? 14. How do you spend your summer holidays? 15. How do you find people, which work in the vacation? 16. Why do we need spare time? 17. How can one spend spare time? 18. Which forms of the leisure activities better according to your opinion - is the passive or the active? 19. How do you spend your spare time? 20 How do you find people, which work in the spare time? 21. For what do humans need a hobby? 22. There are humans, who have an amusing hobby. Do you know examples? 23. What is your hobby and why likes you it? 24. Which hobbies have most young people? 25. Why don't many humans have time for a hobby? 26. Where can we get books? 27. Which role do the books in your life play? 28. Can the electronic books or the InterNet displace the books? 29. Many pupils hardly read readings, because they prefer the filmings. How do you find that? 30. Which books read does you dearest and why? 31. Which advantages does the television have? 32. Which disadvantages does the television have? 33. How often do you watch television? 34. Which programs dearest and why do you see? 35. Does the television make stupid? How is your opinion? 36. Why do we so often hang pictures to our walls? 37. How do you find the modern or abstract painting? 38. Where can one admire pictures? 39. How do you stand to the extremely high prices of some pictures? 40. Which painters are well-known? Call a few names! 41. Why do many humans travel in the world around? 42. Which formalities does one have to settle before a journey abroad? 43. Which advantages does the travel have? 44. Is Poland worth a journey? Why? 45. Where would you make dearest a journey and why? 46. Why do the people have fear of disasters? 47. Which disasters are particularly dangerous and why? 48. Can one protect oneself against disasters? How? 49. Which means of transport are safest of your judgement? 50. The flight disasters are always a large topic for the press? Why? 51. What makes our environment broken? 52. How can one protect our environment? 53. Which influence does the environmental pollution have on our health? 54. Which organizations provide for our environment? 55. Are you for or against the atomic energy? Why? 56. Which consequences have the wars? 57. How could one prevent wars? 58. The wars make the technological progress faster. How does your opinion sit? 59. Is the military service necessary? 60. How could one stop the acts of violence? 61. To which acts of violence does it come at most? 62. How can one protect oneself against force? 63. How do you find aggressive right-wing extremists? 64. How do you find terrorism? 65. How does the act of violence of a film hero affect the behavior of young humans? 66. One says, the most terrible acts of violence gives it in the family? How do you stand to it? 67. Should one solve family problems with force and/or brutality? How is your opinion? 68. From where does the force come with the school children? 69. Which extortion methods can use the force authors? 70. Why does it come to so many conflicts between humans? 71. Which consequences have most conflicts? 72. What could one make, in order to avoid conflicts? 73. How do you find people the each day argue? 74. Why does it come to divorces? 75. What could one make, in order to avoid divorces? 76. Which influence does a divorce of parents have on the children? 77. How do you find people, which let themselves very often be separated? 78. How do you understand the word "emancipation"? 79. Many men have simply fear of intelligent and successful women. How do you stand to it? 80 Which so-called occupations of man are exercised ever more frequently by women? 81. Do the women in Poland have same career chances as men? 82. Is it possible that a woman can connect their career with the family life? 83. Should the women make better for career or create a family? 84. Why do the women want to marry ever later and create family? 85. Which influence can the career of the nut/mother have on the education of the children? 86. Which forwards - and disadvantages a family can have child realms? 87. Why do grandparents so often provide for their enkelkinder? 88. Which family celebrations does one celebrate in your family? 89. Is the role of the Muter more important than the role of the father? 90. How do you imagine your own family? 91. Why is a division of labor at home so important? 92. Which housework don't you and which like? 93. What does one need, in order to clear up a house? 94. Which housework is man things and why? 95. Which household appliances can make our work easier? 96. How does the environment of a multistoried building look and from a single family house? 97. How does the life differ in a single family house from the life in a single family house? 98. How can humans in a multistoried building feel? 99. Why do many humans dream about a home of one's own? 100. In what for a house like would you in the future to live? 101. Which of the pieces of furniture don't fit into a small dwelling and why? 102. Which pieces of furniture please you at the good the old classical or the modern? 103. Are you content or not with the furnishing of your room? 104. There are people, which take a credit, in order to buy furniture. How do you stand to it? 105. For what do we need physicians? 106. Which role do the nurses in the health service play? 107. What do most physicians guess/advise their patients? 108. What can harm our health? 109. How do you provide for your health? 110. Why is the predominance harmful? 111. About what does one become thick? 112. How can one decrease? 113. Are thick humans discriminated against? How is your opinion? 114. Which food products are considered as healthy and which as unhealthy? 115. Which medicines does one take, if one is afflicted with a cold for example? 116. Which medicines can one take, if one is not ill? 117. Why aren't some medicines prescription-free? 118. How do you find people, which take too many medicines? 119. Why aren't we to take medicines without medical regulation? 120. How do you apply of sleeping pills? 121. Which consequences too does little sleep have? 122. How is with you with sleeping? 123. Some people sleep very little, in order to work more. How do you stand to it? 124. Are often late. How could one help them? 125. The hygiene is particularly important for the medicine. Why? 126. There are sometimes particularly expensive Kosmetiken. Are they better than the cheaper? 127. Why we are to keep hygiene _ 128. Can the hygiene contribute to success in the love? Why? 129. Maintained one and slim people have a simpler life. Why? 130. Why are we to watch out for our health? 131. How can we protect our health better? 132. Which nutrition is mostly recommended by the physicians? 133. How do you provide for your health? 134. Why does it come to tooth diseases? 135. How can one prevent the tooth diseases? 136. Many people have panische fear of the dentist attendance. Why? 137. How do you find humans, who do not maintain their teeth? 138. From where does the stress come? 139. Which consequences can the stress have? 140. How can one diminish/neutralize the stress? 141. In which situations do you feel gestresst? 142. One says, a lighter stress is positive. How is your opinion? 143. Why does one consider some kinds of sport particularly dangerous? 144. How do you stand to the sport? 145. Which advantages does active sport driving have? 146. Can the sport driving help gestressten humans? How is your opinion? 147. Why do the people take drugs? 148. Which dangers does the drug craze bring with itself? 149. Your judgement should the so-called "grass" be legalisiert? Why? 150. Can the drugs help when learning? How is your opinion? 151. How can one help the drug-addicted? 152. About what do humans become dependently? 153. Why do young people and adults often seize to different craze means? 154. Why are alcohol, nicotine and drugs dangerous? 155. What do you mean, which craze is nowadays among the young people particularly common? 156. How can one protect oneself against a craze? 157. Which consequences does smoking have? 158. How can one cure oneself a smoking? 159. Should smoking in the public be forbidden? Why? 160. Are you for or against smoking? Why? 161. Why is the alcohol particularly unhealthy? 162. Which consequences does the alcohol abuse for the family life have? 163. How do you find people, which are abstinent? 164. How can one help the alcoholics? 165. How do you find the alcohol advertisement on the television? 166. Why do humans want to marry? 167. Which Polish wedding customs are well-known you? 168. Is a wedding party without alcohol possible? How is your opinion? 169. Why don't many people organize wedding parties? 170. Which wedding gifts can one give to a brautpaar? 171. Why do the people birthdays celebrate so gladly? 172. What does one have to prepare before a birthday party? 173. How do you find expensive birthday gifts? 174. Is a birthday party without alcohol possible? How is your opinion? 175. What usual does one make on a birthday party? 176. How are the most important celebrations in Poland and in Germany called? 177. When are these celebrations celebrated? 178. Which customs are connected with these celebrations? 179. Which celebration pleases you best and why? 180. What do you mean? Is it to be maintained importantly the tradition? 181. What does one have to prepare before Christmas? 182. Which Polish Weihnachtsbraeuche is well-known you? 183. Why does one say that Christmas is a family celebration? 184. How do you find expensive gifts? 185. What usual do you make in the Weihnachtszeit? 186. What does one have to prepare before the Osterfeier? 187. What do you like rather - Easter or Christmas? Why? 188. At the Ostermontag one often begiesst oneself in Poland with water. How do you stand to it? 189. What usual do you make in the Osterzeit? 190. Which role plays Germany in the world? 191. Which German products are particularly well-known? 192. Which colors does the federal flag have? 193. What is the coat of arms of Germany? 194. In which German cities do most inhabitants live? 195. What is the coat of arms of Berlin? 196. Do you find that Berlin is an authentic euro metropolis? 197. Which role plays Berlin in the Federal Republic of Germany? 198. Which architecture monuments are symbols of Berlin? 199. What do you still know about Berlin? 200. How does the flag of Switzerland look? 201. Which Swiss products are world well-known? 202. Would you like to live in Switzerland? Why? 203. Which routistic advantages does Switzerland have? 204. What do you still know about Switzerland? 205. How is the flag of Austria? 206. Which well-known composers worked in Austria? 207. Where is the routistic winter center of Austria? What do you know about it? 208. Why is Vienna worth seeing?
... a po co na angielski, jak chodziło o polski? Nie mam czasu tego tłumaczyć, ale sama zdawałam rok temu maturę i jak dasz e-mail to wyślę Ci to co mam. A i powiem Ci jedno. Zadania na ustnej przynajmniej w tamtym roku powtórzyły się z ubiegłego, tylko obrazki były inne. Tylko pamiętaj każdy okrąg OKE ma inne zadania
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