
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć. Żałosny jeśli przeszkadzam ci. Nie mówię po polsku. Mam
nadzieję, że możesz pomagać mi. Szukam swojego przyjaciela. Nie otrzymałem
wiadomości o niej od listopada.Jej imię jest Olą, ona jest z Bialystok i ona
jest prawie 20. Studiowała przy Liceum i miała brata. Teraz, prawdopodobnie
ona nadal jest w Nowy Jork. Znasz ją? Przepraszam jeszcze raz i
w czym Ci pomóc?
Do you speak english? The friend that helped me to translate is unavailable now...
my english is terrible :( do you want to translate it into german?
your english seems to be good and i don't speak german. i'll be on gg in one hour. my gg is 5638583. thank you very much
Mokotow - kannst Du ihm helfen? ich muss leider in ein paar Minuten weg, komme erst in der nächsten Woche zurück :(
i'm sorry but i don't understand
but how can we help you?
I think, we have to translate it into english. I'm right?
yes, you're right
do you know that girl? i'm on gg now
Hi, sorry to disturb you. I do not speak polish. I hope you can help me. I’m looking for a friend of mine. I haven’t heard from her since November. Her name is Ola, she lives in Bialystok and is about 20 years old. She has studied at the high school and has had one brother. I suppose, now she is staying in New York. Do you know her?

Excuse once again and thank you very very much.
oh oh, my english is terrible!!!
Sorry but I didn't understand. A friend helped me to translate in English, because I don't speak Polish.
sorry. I don’t understand what you want. I have translated the polish text into English…
I'm looking for that girl...
but why are you looking for her?
she's very important for me... i'm on gg now (5638583). i don't want to discuss here about private things. please, try to understand
I see. But: Poland has 40 million citizens…
I know. In fact, I wrote a detailed description about her. Can't you see?
I don't have gg, sorry.
and besides: Poland has 40 mln citisens...
I think about 10 million girls is named Ola and 9 millions has a brother...
so you didn't read all...
I'm sorry, but do you know a girl like the one I described before?
I'm sorry, but do you know a girl like the one I described before?
Przepraszam was jest ktos kto moze mi pomoc ?
chyba nie

Ich denke nicht

I dont think so
Any news for me? Sorry again and thanks
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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